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platforms_and_genres.txt · Last modified: 2014/06/24 15:20 by neurosky

Platforms and Genres


Links to our Developer Toolsets:

The MindWave Mobile headset connects via Bluetooth and is compatible with mobile platforms like the iOS and Android. The original MindWave connects via RF and is not compatible with any mobile platform. The MindWave and the MindWave Mobile are compatible on both PCs and Macs.

Both headsets can connect to hobbyist microcontroller boards like the Arduino, but require different configurations. The MindWave Mobile can be interfaced through a BlueSMiRF. One method to connect the original MindWave to an Arduino involves modification of the included dongle.

Lastly, we have a variety of tutorials for different programming languages and game engines. Are there any other platforms or programming languages that you think we should cover? Please – let us know: publish(at)neurosky.com

App Genres

  • Health/Wellness
  • Utility
  • Entertainment
  • Education

Our current algorithms are most well suited for development in three primary categories. We have seen the most traction in the Wellness sector with applications specific towards tracking mindfulness.

Utility apps would include both connecting and recording the brainwave data. Neuromarketing would fit within the Utility category.

Entertainment apps would include programs such as the upcoming Throw Trucks With Your Mind.

Education is an expanding category that utilizes elements of both Utility and Health/Wellness.

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