====== AT&T Wearables Hackathon ====== ===== Field Application Engineer ===== We are actively searching for a [[fieldapplicationengineer2014|Field Application Engineer]]. Please apply directly to us: publish ( at ) neurosky.com ===== PC / Mac Development ===== For PC and Mac Development, please begin with our [[http://store.neurosky.com/products/developer-tools-2-1|Developer Tools.]] Among our toolsets is a socket server which will allow you to take in the information feed from the headset through a TCP/IP socket in your application and process the output in JSON. [[thinkgear_connector_tgc|The newest versions of our sockets are available here.]] A great way to develop a project is to utilize our Unity3D Package, available here: [[http://neurosky.fetchapp.com/permalink/uchoob|Unity3D Package]] This version is compatible with the free version of [[http://unity3d.com/unity/download/|Unity3D here.]] We also have older past projects that can be modified. [[http://neurosky.fetchapp.com/permalink/bivaex|Speed Math Project]] [[http://neurosky.fetchapp.com/permalink/igeelu|Visualizer Project ]] ===== GameMaker ===== Post on Serial Port connections for older versions of Game Maker [[http://gmc.yoyogames.com/index.php?showtopic=336461&hl=rs232]] Want to try implementing a JSON Socket projet in GameMaker? Figure this out for a bonus prize. Streaming data is coming in through hexadecimal or non-ASCII strings. Set up the buffer reading so that data is coming in properly. {{::sockets_in_gamemaker.gmx.zip|}} ===== Mobile Toolsets ===== ==== Android ==== [[ Android Environment Setup ]] [[http://store.neurosky.com/products/developer-tools-3-android|Android Developer Tools ]] [[http://neurosky.fetchapp.com/permalink/sjawul|Android Unity Complete Project ]] ==== iOS ==== [[http://store.neurosky.com/products/developer-tools-3-iphone|iOS Developer Tools ]] [[http://neurosky.fetchapp.com/permalink/ahneng|iOS Unity Sample ]] ==== Java ==== {{:tgcd.v22.110304.zip|Latest JNI implementation}}