Credit: \\ Creator: Christian Lucas \\ Advisor: Assistant Professor Albert Chen \\ Summer 2010 \\ ESAL \\ Setting up: \\ Installed \\ Torque3D \\ Visual Studio \\ March 2010 DirectX SDK \\ neuroSky thinkgear Win32 Api \\ Compiling the engine source: - Make a new project through the torque3d software - Navigate to the project folder from within Visual Studios of the torque3d project that was made - Compile solution, and if the environment was set up correctly, it should compile without errors. - If not, then make sure to add the directX library to the resources of Visual Studios. - Tools> options > Project and Solutions > VC++ directories: - Make sure the dX library folder is added for Library Files and Include files - Once the environment is working, add the neroSky thinkgear library files. - Tools> options > Project and Solutions > VC++ directories: Make sure the thinkgear library folder is added for Library Files and Include files - Add the .h files and the .cpp files to the folder that has “project’s name/.dll” by clicking “add existing files” - Torque3D should compile with the thinkgear source. {{:app_notes:torque:esal_thinkgear_-_setup_source_code.doc}} {{:app_notes:torque:tglink-old.cpp.pdf}} {{:app_notes:torque:tglink.cpp.pdf}} {{:app_notes:torque:tglink.h.pdf}} {{:app_notes:torque:thinkgear_testapp.cpp.pdf}}