## Quick Start Guide to the Developer Tools## Welcome to the Developer Tools for NeuroSky's brainwave reading technology. ====== Get Connected ====== {{Screen Shot 2014-06-03 at 4.11.08 PM.png}} MindWave: Download the driver and prerequisite package from the disc or from the developer's website. Install and Connect the device by following the user guide. http://developer.neurosky.com/docs/doku.php?id=mindwave MindWave Mobile: Pair and connect the device by following the user guide. ---- *For connecting problems, please check your battery level and refer to the user guide for troubleshooting. ======For .Net Developer====== {{Screen Shot 2014-06-03 at 4.11.19 PM.png}} - *From Visual Studio, choose File -> New -> Project From Existing Code... - Project type: **Visual C#** - Project path: //ThinkGear SDK for .NET\Sample Project\HelloEEG// - Project name: **HelloEEG** - Output type: **Console Application** - From toolbar Project -> HelloEEG Properties and set Target framework to **.NET Framework 3.5** - Right click on **Reference** from Solution Explorer and choose **Add Reference** - Choose "Browse" Tab and add **ThinkGear.dll** from //HelloEEG/neurosky// into the project - Remove **Microsoft.CSharp** reference if there is a warning *For VS Express users, unzip **HelloEEG_Ex.zip** from the project directory. Choose "Open project" and open HelloEEG.csproj. For details, please refer to //thinkgear.net_sdk_dev_guide_and_api_reference.pdf// in /ThinkGear SDK for .NET/ ======For Mac Developer====== {{Screen Shot 2014-06-03 at 4.11.36 PM.png}} - From Xcode, choose "Open Other...". - Browse through //ThinkGear SDK for Mac\Sample Projects\HelloEEG// and Open it. - Import ThinkGear.framework from //ThinkGear SDK for Mac/lib// into the project. For details, please refer to //mac_development_guide.pdf// in /ThinkGear SDK for Mac/ {{Screen Shot 2014-06-03 at 4.11.50 PM.png}} ======Quick API Reference====== |void Connect(string portName) | Attempts to open a connection with the port name specified by portName. | |void ConnectScan() | Attempts to open a connection to the first Device seen by the Connector. | |void ConnectScan(string portName) | Same as ConnectScan but scans the port specified by portName first.| |void Discount() | Closes all open connections.| |void Disconnect(Connection connection) | Close a specific connection specified by Connection.| |void Disconnect(Device device) |Close a specific device specified by Device.| |void Send(string portName, byte[byteToSend) | Send an array of bytes to a specific port.| |void enableMentalEffort() DEPRECATED | Starts recording data for 60 sec. Once the recording is complete, the Mental Effort will be calculated.| |void enableFamiliarity() DEPRECATED | Starts recording data for 60 sec. Once the recording is complete, the Familiarity will be calculated. | ^ **Event** ^^ |DeviceFound | Occurs when a ThinkGear device is found. | |DeviceNotFound | Occurs when a ThinkGear device could not be found. | |DeviceValidating | Occurs right before the connector attempts a special port. | |DeviceConnected | Occurs when a ThinkGear device is connected. | |DeviceConnectFail | Occurs when the Connector fails to connect to that port specified. | |DeviceDisconnected | Occurs when the Connector disconnects from a ThinkGear device. | |DataReceived | Occurs when data is available from a ThinkGear Device. | ^ TGParser Class ^^ |Dictionary[] Read(DataRow[] dataRow)| Parses the raw headset data in dataRow and returns a dictionary of usable data. |